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BioAqua Monthly Highlights – edition7


Welcome to this edition of the BIOAQUA newsletter! In this space, you can access all the relevant information about the project’s progress during the month of June. From updates on the activities of each working group to the schedule of upcoming events. This newsletter is a window into the project.

Thank you all for being part of BIOAQUA and happy reading!


Special activities during this period:

  • We launched a call for Virtual Mobility grants & Extended the call for STSMs.
  • We uploaded a new masterclass to BIOAQUA’s website, by Mario de Ario:
  • We launched the preparation of ‘Sc&Tech briefs’ (executive summaries of relevant scientific and technological trends in relation to biomolecular solutions for aquaculture towards the coming 5 years). They will be prepared as a result of a state-of-the-art exploratory analysis being managed from WG5, for which a preliminary brainstorming is dynamized during WGs audios. The first two sessions have been celebrated during this period (WG4 on 25/9, and WG1 on 27/9) which resulted into potential trends related to new pollutants and threats, opportunities to guarantee production gorwth, biomolecular solutions to halt antimicrobial resistance, and nature-based approaches for improving water quality in aquaculture  — Recordings are available in the shared repository.
  • We celebrated the 3rd meeting of the Management Committee (MC), online, divided in three parts so that interim work and thinking could be leveraged (10/9, 12/9, 30/9). Main outcome is an agreement for the budget structure during the 2nd period of the Action.
  • We welcome 6 new members from Norway, France, Tunisia and Turkey. Welcome to the team! –> If you want your profiles to be uploaded to BIOAQUA’s website, please send your picture and short CV answering to this mail

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